Customized Coverage

Customized Coverage (Glossary Word)

You selected the above items because standard auto and home policies contain limitations or exclusions for protection in those areas. When updating your insurance program or soliciting a quote you will want to be sure to learn what options are available to you to customize your insurance policies.

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3 Convenient Alabama Locations:

Trammel, Harper, and Williams, Inc.Birmingham Office
2073 Valleydale Road
Birmingham, Alabama 35244
Phone: (205) 988-3444

Trammel, Harper, and Williams, Inc.Pell City Office
1607 South Martin Street
Suite 4

Pell City, Alabama 35128
Phone: (205) 884-3444

Trammel, Harper, and Williams, Inc.Hueytown Office
2007 High School Rd
Hueytown, Alabama 35023
Phone: (205) 491-3456

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